Firm Shui (A Fancy Way We Say "Blog")
Well, here we are: 2018 is just around the corner.
Reflecting on the past year, was it solid, so-so or disappointing? And, no, for the purpose of this blog, we’re not talking about the gym routine you promised to keep up or the trips you resolved to take.
We’re talking about your company and its reputation. If you’re like most folks, regardless of how the last year treated you and your business, you want to take things to the next level in 2018.
So, what can you do? For each company, the PR/communications recipe is a bit different. But for the sake of kicking the year off with a bang, here are some thought starters:
How’d it go last year? It’s time to do some self-reflecting – what worked and what didn’t? Did your social strategy flop? Did media pass on all of your pitches? Is your website traffic down? A good ole SWOT analysis can be a good starting point.
What’s the plan? Sure, the unexpected can be expected with any business. But, what are the key PR milestones, objectives and opportunities that you can forecast for January, Q1 and, in some cases, through the end of the year? As with many aspects of your business, there needs to be a blueprint. And, PR is certainly is not an exception.
How much time are you dedicating to communications efforts? Time is money. When it comes to your communications efforts, how much time are you dedicating to your brand? Take a moment to carve out a half hour or hour here or there to give your reputation the energy it deserves. Your bottom line will thank you in the long run.
Are you properly staffed? Managing the reputation of a company, big or small, is a full-time gig. If your company has a vacancy in its communications department, consider the benefits of hiring an agency. There are less overhead costs, you’ll always be graced with an honest and professional opinion and you can have a full team at your service.
From developing entire marketing and PR strategies to social media content creation and implementation, be sure to review the services we offer to clients.