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The Firm Public Relations & Marketing

6157 South Rainbow Boulevard
Las Vegas, NV 89118
Telephone 702-739-9933
Fax 702-739-9779
Satellite office: Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

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Telephone 702-739-9933

Media Requests or General Inquiries

Jasen Woehrle
Telephone 702-739-9933

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Thumbs up

I’ve had the opportunity to work with The Firm for more than a decade, and throughout that time, they have been an indispensable part of the Boyd Gaming PR team. Their guidance and counsel has been invaluable in helping Boyd Gaming and our local properties raise our profile in a highly competitive local media market. This is a creative team of outside-the-box thinkers that knows the Las Vegas media inside and out – and they are all genuinely great people to work with! I cannot recommend them highly enough.

David StrowVice President, Corporate CommunicationsBoyd Gaming Corporation