Firm Shui (A Fancy Way We Say "Blog")

Is it Time for a Rebrand? The Questions Every Business Needs to Ask Themselves

Regardless of which business/industry/profession you are in, we know things can get crazy. On a given day, you or your company may be pulled in a million different directions, handling all kinds of tasks and even a crisis… or 10.

Amid normal happenings and the unexpected, it’s important to keep your brand in check. Your brand and all that encompasses it – its products, its logo(s), its services, among other components – must stay relevant for your business to thrive.

Multimedia designer and brand extraordinaire Victoria Hart has been helping businesses in Vegas (and beyond!) for more than 25 years. She’s seen a lot – the good, the bad and the ugly.

So, when it comes to identifying when it may be time for a rebrand, what does Victoria advise? Here are some thought starters directly from our seasoned expert:

  • – Look at your competition as well as your audience. Is your brand resonating with your audience… and do you have the data to back it up? Is your audience responding to your brand in a more positive manner than your competitors? If not, it may be time for a change.
  • – Is your brand stuck in another generation? People from generation to generation are so different. Even 20-somethings look at things differently than 30-somethings. If you’re losing a segment of the population, perhaps it’s refresh time.
  • – There is more to a brand than a logo. Do your positioning and mission statements align with your long-term goals? Take a hard look at this alignment and if it’s taking you in the right direction. If not, it’s time to realign. If you don’t have a positioning statement, it’s time to get one.
  • – Your brand is your total persona. It’s the way an assistant answers the phone. It’s the t-shirts your employees wear. It’s your trucks out on the streets. Is your voice resonating across all platforms and is it consistent?

While Victoria says a brand should constantly be evaluated, brand positioning and related strategy should be addressed at least once per year.

If a complete rebrand is deemed necessary, Victoria advises that companies have the time to implement it effectively. On that note and if you do rebrand, you definitely don’t want to leave some items re-branded and some with antiquated branding (e.g. one truck has a new logo and the other has the 1965 logo). These things can take time and seeing it through will be worth it.

And once a rebrand is complete? Victoria says to “make a big splash.” And, naturally at The Firm, we always love to do that, too.

To kick your brand in to high gear, contact The Firm Public Relations & Marketing today at 702-739-9933 or

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Urgency, innovation, compassion and collaboration are Three Square’s core values that are surpassed by The Firm’s performance and responsiveness. We value their expertise in media relations, as well as their dedication to bring public awareness to Three Square’s mission of pursuing a hunger-free community. The Firm is much more than a vendor; they are partners with a team of innovative people who really care about their work. They are not only an extension of our team – they are truly members of our team.

Michelle BeckChief Development OfficerThree Square Food Bank